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Book: About

Climate Restoration 

The Only Future That Will Sustain the Human Race

We all want a safe climate—one that humans have survived long term.


Yet, as more and more people are realizing, today’s climate goals will not get us there. Even if we reach net-zero by 2050, or stay “well under" 2°C of warming, our survival will still be in serious doubt.  


That’s because there's already a trillion tons of CO2 in the atmosphere. This “legacy” CO2, emitted over the last 200 years, will continue to wreak havoc in our world—whether or not we decrease future emissions to near-zero.  


What if there's a way to remove the legacy CO2 and restore our children's future?


Over the past few decades, visionary scientists have developed and demonstrated astonishingly effective ways to remove CO2 from the atmosphere.  Permanently. On a massive scale.  And in a way that can be financed without huge government outlays.


"Effective and galvanizing . . . An invigorating, thought-provoking plan to address climate change.”    

—Kirkus Reviews 

"With inviting clarity and an engaging optimism, Fiekowsky considers four promising solutions [for climate restoration], presenting the possibilities with persuasive power."

 —Publishers Weekly


"Peter Fiekowsky has written the consummate book for our time. It is a must-read for anyone who cares about life, the Earth, and future generations...."

—Lynne Twist, author of The Soul of Money and founder of the Pachamama Alliance.


“Finally, someone has done the math on our #ClimateCatastrophe in a way that gives us concrete solutions. Peter Fiekowsky offers a bold, scientifically-grounded strategy that is both practical and immediately implementable...."

—Dr. Christopher K. Tucker, Chairman, American Geographical Society

Book: Text
What Will It Take to Restore A Safe Climate?

Each climate-restoration solution speeds up the ways nature works to remove greenhouse gases. They include restoring photosynthesis in the ocean and making limestone as nature does, so that CO2 can be safely stored in our buildings and roads. 


Do the following statements surprise you?   

  • Using tremendously effective climate restoration methods based on natural processes, we can restore pre-industrial CO2 levels by 2050 

  • We can remove the legacy CO2—a  trillion tons of it— over the next 30 years. And we're beginning to do so!

  • Restoring our climate costs a small fraction of the price of the energy transition. In fact, climate restoration can pay for itself through selling its by-products—fish from restored ocean areas, and carbon-negative building materials.


Get the facts in Climate Restoration—The Only Way to Sustain the Human Race.

Climate Restoration is the first book to review the science of climate restoration and present the pathways to achieving it. The volume contains the first-ever computer model of “zero-warming”—in which we restore the pre-industrial climate, and how we get there.


Amply sourced and documented, Climate Restoration has also been called a “page turner.”



From Climate Restoration, you will:

  • Understand the power of a moonshot goal to mobilize real action—and see how you can help set the goal of climate restoration

  • Learn about the Big Four climate restoration solutions, all based on natural processes such as the way nature regularly removes CO2 leading up to ice ages  

  • Meet the pioneers of climate restoration—physicists, chemists, oceanographers, and entrepreneurs who have figured out how to reduce CO2 and methane the way nature does… in a vastly shorter time.


Humanity's greatest challenge calls for great vision and new ways of thinking.


Envision a healthy future for humanity and think anew with Climate Restoration—The Only Future That Will Sustain the Human Race.








Book: About

Peter Fiekowsky

Primary author


Peter Fiekowsky is an MIT-educated physicist and engineer, a serial entrepreneur, a philanthropist, and a social innovator.  He has worked at NASA and the Fairchild/ Schlumberger Artificial Intelligence Lab in Palo Alto; taught at MIT; and developed his own machine vision company, Automated Visual Inspection LLC (AVI).


He holds 27 patents and is on the board of Solar Capex, a fintech company designed to help complete the global transition to 100 percent clean energy by 2040 by tripling the rate of investment in solar projects.


Fiekowsky’s mission in life is “to leave a world we’re proud of to our children.” In service to that mission, Fiekowsky has a 30-year track record as a citizen lobbyist for global poverty reduction and climate policy.

The "Big Four" Solutions That Can Restore Our Climate 

Book: About

Carole Douglis


Carole Douglis_Vivian  Nguyen Strayer_Old Town Alexandria_Washington DC_2020-07-11 630pm_1

An award-winning journalist, Carole Douglis has specialized in writing about climate, biodiversity, and sustainability since the 1990s, when she worked with Lester Brown at the Worldwatch Institute. Her worked has been published in the Atlantic, Harper’s, Psychology Today, and in National Geographic Society (NGS) books.  She has written with Peter Fiekowsky since 2019.


Douglis lived in Africa for over a decade, creating publications and conducting writing and speaking training for UNICEF, the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), UNICEF, USAID, NGOs, and research institutes. 


Douglis holds a B.A. magna cum laude from Harvard University and an M.A. in international relations from the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy.

What People Are Saying

"Peter Fiekowsky has written the consummate book for our time. It is a must-read for anyone who cares about life, the Earth, and future generations. His science is impeccable, and his capacity to see what’s missing and provide it is sheer brilliance. This book lays out the path forward with clarity, honesty, and integrity — the tide-turning, revelatory message we have been waiting for.”

—Lynne Twist, author of The Soul of Money and co-founder of the Pachamama Alliance.

"Fiekowsky proposes what may be the most important strategy for saving the planet from climate chaos—restoring a safe climate, rather than just trying to slow down our climate emissions. His logic is compelling, and his message is powerful, persuasive, and, most of all, empowering."

                            —Durwod Zaelke, President, Institute for Governance and Sustainable Development

“Peter Fiekowsky continues to shift the climate paradigm from despair to realistic hope. Our opportunity to restore the climate is monumental but brief, making this book both timely and essential.”

—Rick Wayman, CEO, Foundation for Climate Restoration

“With inviting clarity and an engaging optimism, Fiekowsky considers four promising solutions [for climate restoration], presenting the possibilities with persuasive power. He simplifies the science for easy comprehension, and makes the case with such hopeful vigor that the book becomes something rare: a dead-serious, no-illusions look at climate change that doesn’t stir despair.”

—Publishers Weekly BookLife

"An invigorating, thought-provoking plan to address climate change....In brisk chapters supported by wide-ranging research, this work details not only the theoretical validity of the steps proposed, but also their workability....The book's prevailing tone of energetic optimism ultimately carries the day; readers of climate change classics like The Uninhabitable Earth(2019) by David Wallace-Wells will find these calls to specific, doable action intensely refreshing."

                                                                                                                                          —Kirkus Reviews

“Peter Fiekowsky is the textbook definition of a visionary.  While others have pursued the critical goal of reducing carbon emissions, Fiekowsky has inspired thinking and action on carbon removal, an often ignored yet critical tool in achieving our ultimate goal, climate restoration.”

—Sam Daley-Harris, Founder, RESULTS and Civic Courage

“If ever there was a time for vision and innovation in human society, this is it. Peter Fiekowsky is laser-focused on the values that should unite us all, especially leaving a planet of which we can be proud to our children--and he speaks clearly and passionately about climate restoration as a crucial complement to mitigation and adaptation.  Let's find a way to make it happen.”


—Phoebe Barnard, CEO/Executive Director, Stable Planet Alliance, Co-Founder,

GirlPlanet.Earth, and Affiliate Full Professor, University of Washington

“Finally, someone has done the math on our #ClimateCatastrophe in a way that gives us concrete solutions. Peter Fiekowsky offers a bold, scientifically-grounded strategy that is both practical and immediately implementable. Yes, we have an enormous lift to remove the one trillion of tons of legacy carbon in our atmosphere. Luckily, as Peter shows, there are permanent, scalable, and financeable options for achieving this. Let’s stop tweeting #ClimateEmergency and start tweeting #ClimateRestoration.”

—Dr. Christopher K. Tucker, Chairman, American Geographical Society

"Peter Fiekowsky's work on climate change restoration is beyond bold. It is inspired, pushes boundaries, and offers a realistic solution to the climate change crisis. It deserves a wide audience."


—John Englander, oceanographer, President of the Rising Seas Institute,
and author of
Moving to Higher Ground and High Tide on Main Street.

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